Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm not crazy....right?

I haven't posted in a bit. Mainly out of laziness and lack of topic.

This last week and half has been crazy! And I need to write this down for memories sake.

It all started at the end of February. Paul was going to be out of town to go visit his brother in Houston that was blessing his baby. Paul left at 5am. Riley woke up with pink eye. Great! Hunter woke up with the nastiest cough known to man. Great! Later that night I noticed I had a pain in my side that bothered me when I sat. Great! So Saturday Night I tackled all 3 kids and put eye drops in their eyes to avoid the spread of pink eye at the Nelson home!

Sunday morning we got up. I didn't plan on going to church because of the whole pink eye situation, which I'm sure all of the Primary appreciated. Taylor got up around 10:30am and was crying and pulling at her ear! GREAT! So after listening to her cry for 45 minutes I decided to head to the Urgent Care. So off we go, to the Urgent Care to wait. The wait wasn't too bad, and Hunter and Riley behaved themselves so well, all things considered. Taylor of course would be fine for a few minutes and then cry for another bit....and again.

So after getting diagnosed with an ear infection, we headed to Wal-Mart to get her prescription filled. It was 1:32 pm when I pulled up to the pharmacy. They close for a 30 minute lunch at 1:30! COME ON! So we walk around Wal-Mart. I figure I'm already there and I got the kids some popcorn chicken so they would be content to walk around for 30 minutes while we wait for the pharmacy to open. Well the pharmacist left 10 minutes late for lunch, so he opened at 2:10. I dropped off my prescription and was told 45 minutes. Ok great! So now we keep walking wal-mart. We walked the toy section, which was dumb on my part, and had to keep telling the kids, 'sorry we're not getting anything today.'

We paid for the few groceries I had gotten and went and put them in the car to kill time. I moved my car to the other side where the pharmacy is. I walked back in and was there right as my 45 minutes were up. "Sorry, it will be 10 more minutes!" WHAT!!! I sat on the bench with my 3 kids and nearly cried! Of course this would happen the weekend that Paul is out of town, Paul is never out of town! I am so grateful that I am not a single parent!!! Even though Paul has a busy season at work, I know that at the end of the day he will come home! And I am grateful for that!

**As a side note...Edna is out of town, Griscel is at church, and my mom is with her mom at the hospital, and Paul's parents are in Houston with him!**

So they finally called my name, we got Taylor's antibiotic, and went home. Ate a quick lunch and took a nap!!!! It is now 3:30pm

What a Sunday! Taylor was immediately better after one dosage! Gotta love medicine!

So Monday and Tuesday were back to normal. I tackled the kids just a few more days to keep putting eye drops so that the pink eye wouldn't spread and luckily it didn't!

All the while I notice that I still have that pain in my side, that has now reached my back.

On Wednesday I went and visited my grandma at the hospital. Edna went too. While there I mentioned to them that I had been having a pain in my side since Saturday. They immediately "overreacted" (something my family NEVER does) and told me to head to the Urgent Care to make sure it wasn't anything serious. (My dad had his appendix burst several years ago, and was told if he had waited one more day, he could have died.)

So Edna came to my house and watched my kids and I headed to the Urgent Care. Second time in 4 days! Come to find out I had a kidney infection! Which we thought was weird. So I started my antibiotics. The doctor told me that if I still had pain after two days on the antibiotic to head to the ER because it could be something worst that he couldn't see.

So on for the next two days it was 20 questions from my family about whether or not I was hurting. The pain had now spread to the other side of my back. So on Saturday morning Paul and I decided that I should go to the ER. GREAT!

As I was leaving for the ER, I decided to grab a book so that I would have something to read while I waited. I grabbed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, book 7. BIG MISTAKE!!!!

I couldn't put it down and stayed up until 3am this morning finishing the book! I LOVE HARRY POTTER! and now, of course, I feel the need to read the ENTIRE series...again!

Ok but I'm sure you're wondering about my trip to the ER. The wait wasn't too bad, no matter what you read in the Letter's to the Editor. They did some bloodwork, CT scan of my abdomen, urine test....and

NOTHING! There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with me! My kidney's are working properly. No kidney infection showed. My appendix, gall bladder, and kidney's all looked normal in the CT Scan. So the doctor diagnosed me with back pain. WHATEVER!

I AM NOT CRAZY! I know I was having pain on my kidneys! But the good news is that the antibiotic did it's job because I no longer had an infection. So the weird thing is that I had that pain for a few more days. For all I know I still have the pain, but I did some exercises the other day and am completely sore, so I can't distinguish the differences in pain.

Ok....maybe I am crazy....

ok pues!


Brenda said...

I'm so glad you are ok and your kids are feeling better! I'm happy to hear the pain is not your appendix! Brian's appendix ruptured and pretty much the same story as your Dad! He had gone to the ER a week prior to it rupturing, and they told him he had a bad case of the flew!
He was at work pouring cemet and barely walking when he knew his pain was more then the flew! He went to Dr. Andersen and had emergency surgery! He was in the hospital several days, because it had ruptured, and his body was full of infection, he was lucky!
Sorry, this is a long comment!

Lisa Love said...

Ericka, my heart just goes out to you. I went to the Er about 4 weeks ago with an intense pain in my abdomen. After several tests and a lot of time they didn't find anything wrong. The heavy duty pain shot they gave me helped a lot though. I felt so foolish but when you have a severe pain that lasts for a few days with no explanation, what are you to do?
The next time Paul goes out of town be ready for anything and keep my number close. I'll come running. :)

Gabriela Hull said...

Pobrecita la Rocio. Sorry you had to go through that. At least you didn't start to read Twilight and then get disappointed when it wasn't Dr. Cullen who saw you. Maybe you needed Madam Pomfrey. (Is she the Hogwarts nurse or is she the Herbology teacher?)

Gabriela Hull said...

PS. You are not crazy. Nobody in our family is crazy.

Chredna said...

taded...and i was in yucaipa eating hawthorne having no idea you were going thru this!!!!

Tina said...

I don't think you are crazy, but that is a crazy story! Awful, even...

I'm glad to know you are better now. And I know you must still be okay because you did a great job playing at the concert. :)

The McEwen Family said...

I'm glad you are all doing okay. I know about your pain in the side and back I get those so often too and I have been to the doctor also and nothing. But I think it's stress and exercising so hopefully you will be okay. But yes handling the kids all alone sucks. Mike works now from 8 to 9 or 10 (recruiting) so I don't see him much or get any help so it sucks only 2 years 10 months left to go! LOL

Brooke said...

That is awful! I'm sorry that Paul was here in Houston with us and not with you. I am glad that you are all better and hope the side pain is nothing.