Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Yes, we all know it rained in Yuma last week.

What is funny to Paul and I is that while the rest of Yuma looks forward to rain and enjoys it, the farming community DREADS it! Which in itself, is an oxymoron. You would think that farmers would be happy that there is rain for their crops. But No! We are fortunate to have the Colorado River to do the irrigating. All rain does is create muddy roads, ruins fields, and makes it hard to harvest. The only good thing about this rain is that they were done with planting. Rain is horrible for a freshly planted field.

And that is your Agriculture lesson for the month. Stay tuned for next month, when I discuss some other random produce farming tidbit!

Back to the rain. I just wanted to post the pictures I took of my backyard. First let me explain something about the pictures.

1. There is horrible drainage in Yuma.

2. My neighborgood has NO drainage. When the Builder created our subdivision, instead of spending money on drainage or creating retention basins (which is 'wasted' land, because there isn't a house on it, which equals no $$) they instead created Self-Retaining lots. So all of our houses sit up higher than the street, and up away from the water. Now in the 5 years that I have lived in my house, we have had rain, and our lots have retained water, as expected. We'd have a little puddle and that's it.

Well when you get an entire year's average of rain in one day, this is what happens when you have self-retaining lots.

Could there BE anymore water??!?!?


Gabriela Hull said...

That's crazy!

Hilary said...

No construction needed for the pool! Just rain! I thought our backyard was flooded...YOU WIN! :)

JasonDebbie said...

Holy crap! And I thought that my yard was flooded!

Rob and Katie said...

This is what Ross would call a "moist maker."

Amber said...

Oh. My. Goodness. I think I can count on 1 hand the number of times I remember an actual rain shower in Yuma growing up. This is nuts!