Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas! Well it's Christmas Eve and it's crazy at the Nelson Home. Right now the kids are taking a nap, so I thought I better enjoy the moment and wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I just wanted to write down something that Hunter said the other day that I thought was so funny! I asked him again what he asked Santa for Christmas and he replied with his regular answer - "A Intendo the Wii" So then I asked him what games he asked for along with his "intendo the Wii" and he replies with his usual 6 games and then says to me "how about we just go buy them later instead of getting them from Santa because that's easier!" I laughed....if he only knew....yes it's much easier! Oh the innocence!


Anonymous said...

That is so cute! Hope you had a merry Christmas.

Amber said...

I would so love to meet your kiddos. They sound so fun! I hope you had a fabulous holiday. Sorry we missed you at our "reunion!" Hopefully the next time I am down there we can try again!

The McEwen Family said...

I'm so excited you have a blog page!! Your kids are so cute! i haven't seen a pic of your new baby till now!! SOOO cute!!! come visit me at my page it's!!