Friday, January 11, 2008

Deja Vu

Ok so today I was doing something and I had one of those moments of "deja vu." But then as I got to thinking...was it really "deja vu" or do I just always do the same things.... So I started thinking..... When I had my moment I was rinsing a bottle to get ready to make a new one, looking at my TV and Disney Channel was on, and holding Taylor. Hmmmm.......I think I just do a lot of the same stuff! Am I the only one that feels that way?


The McEwen Family said...

LOL yes i get that same feeling every day with Jake whinnying at me to get him a drink while i'm trying to get Madison a bottle and hearing Max and Ruby over and over and over!!! EVERY DAY!!!

Sabra said...

Same thing day in and day out! I'm hoping it's just this stage in my life and one day I will yearn for the same ole same ole!